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Professional Commitment and Conflict of Interest

Disclosure and Professional Commitment  The JHU and divisional disclosure and professional commitment policies require that investigators  disclose to the institution those financial interests that reasonably appear to be related to their institutional responsibilities.  To ensure that time commitments and specific services to outside organizations are consistent with institutional, divisional, and departmental policies, JHU faculty members also must […]

Financial Conflicts of Interest

The Johns Hopkins University maintains the highest principles of integrity in research, education, service, and clinical care.  Generating new knowledge and transferring it for the benefit of society often require interaction with commercial and other organizations outside the University.  To advance knowledge and support its academic missions, the University supports and encourages many types of […]

Disclosure Requirements

eDisclose Disclosure Requirements   Who is required to disclose—Covered Individuals:  Who is required to disclose to the Office of Outside Interests?  When should Covered Individuals disclose?   OOI’s Disclosure Review Process  Once submitted via eDisclose, all disclosures are reviewed by OOI staff and/or the SOM Committee on Outside Interests. Disclosures determined to be higher-risk financial Interests and/or […]

Fast Facts & FAQ

What policies do I need to abide by as a SOM member?  How do I know if my outside activities are related to research?   Is my outside activity related to my institutional responsibilities?  Can I redirect my financial interests to JHU?  Can I waive my rights to royalties?   Can I engage in research related to […]

Engaging in Outside Interests

Engaging in Outside Activities When a covered individual intends to initiate an outside activity and/or interest in an outside entity, the arrangement should be administered under a private agreement between the covered individual and the entity. JHU (Johns Hopkins University) and the Johns Hopkins Health System (JHHS) are not parties to, and therefore do not […]

Annual Disclosures

Annual Certification  Full-time faculty and salaried part-time faculty in the School of Medicine must complete an Annual Certification. The purpose of the Annual Certification is to confirm that the OOI and department directors have a complete, accurate, and up-to-date account of your reportable outside activities and/or financial interests.   Annual Certification does not affect the obligation […]

Education & Training

COI (Conflicts of Interests) Education and Systems Training All Covered Individuals under The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Policies on Professional Commitment and Conflict of Interest are required to take and pass the Conflict-of-Interest Training Module.  The minimum course required to be COI training compliant is:  Conflict of Interest Training Module   You may receive notifications […]


The Office of Outside Interests Staff